CLS version 1.1

CLS version 1.1

This version overhauls the syntax for macros and lists. Macros now use commas for separating arguments from each other, but still use vertical bar to separate the name from the arguments. Lists also now use commas to separate items. These commas do not need to be escaped when the csv dialect is set to CLS, the parser knows when it’s in a macro or list and simply ignores the comma.

Also changed is that the [switch| ] macro can now make use of lists; if a value used for a case is a lists, then the macro will check to see if the test value is in that list. Also the [substr| ] macro has been put back. It’s a little easier to wrap your head around I think.

About CLS

CLS is a language for designing cards. Use a simple programming language to design a layout that can be combined with data to make a deck of cards. Features include powerful but easy positioning, rich text with images, per card changes to almost any property.

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Apr 07, 2023

Get Card Layout Script

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